price list nail art kosong

price list nail art kosong

Price List Nail Art Kosong: A Comprehensive Guide for Your Nail Art Journey

Hey, readers!

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to nail art kosong. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of empty nail art, exploring its various styles, techniques, and prices. Whether you’re a seasoned nail art enthusiast or just starting out, this guide has everything you need to create stunning nail art kosong looks without breaking the bank.

Types of Nail Art Kosong

Nail art kosong offers endless possibilities for expressing your creativity. Here are some of the most popular types of nail art kosong:

Negative Space Nail Art

Negative space nail art focuses on leaving areas of the nail bare, creating an illusion of depth and intrigue. By using contrasting colors and shapes, you can achieve eye-catching designs that make the most of your natural nail.

Geometric Nail Art

Geometric nail art involves creating sharp lines, angles, and shapes on your nails. This style is known for its clean and modern look, and it can be as simple or complex as you like.

Abstract Nail Art

Abstract nail art encourages you to let your imagination run wild. Experiment with different colors, textures, and patterns to create unique and expressive designs that reflect your personal style.

Techniques for Creating Nail Art Kosong

Using Nail Vinyls:

Nail vinyls are self-adhesive stencils that help you create precise negative space designs. Simply apply the vinyl to your nail, paint over it, and peel it off to reveal perfectly clean lines.

Brush Painting:

For more intricate designs, brush painting is a great option. Use a thin nail art brush to create fine lines, details, and patterns on your nails.


Sponging is a fun and easy way to achieve a gradient or ombré effect. Apply different colors of nail polish to a makeup sponge and dab it onto your nails for a blended, ethereal look.

Price List for Nail Art Kosong

The price of nail art kosong services vary depending on the salon, technique, and complexity of the design. Here’s a general price list to give you an idea:

Basic Designs

  • Negative space nail art: Starting from Rp 10.000 per nail
  • Geometric nail art: Starting from Rp 15.000 per nail

Intermediate Designs

  • Abstract nail art: Starting from Rp 20.000 per nail
  • Nail vinyls: Starting from Rp 25.000 per nail

Advanced Designs

  • Detailed brush painting: Starting from Rp 30.000 per nail
  • Sponging: Starting from Rp 35.000 per nail
  • Custom designs: Starting from Rp 50.000 per nail

Table: Breakdown of Nail Art Kosong Prices

Service Price
Negative space nail art (basic) Rp 10.000 - Rp 15.000 per nail
Geometric nail art (basic) Rp 15.000 - Rp 20.000 per nail
Abstract nail art Rp 20.000 - Rp 30.000 per nail
Nail vinyls Rp 25.000 - Rp 35.000 per nail
Detailed brush painting Rp 30.000 - Rp 50.000 per nail
Sponging Rp 35.000 - Rp 45.000 per nail
Custom designs Starting from Rp 50.000 per nail


Nail art kosong is a versatile and affordable way to elevate your nail game. Whether you prefer negative space, geometric, or abstract designs, there’s a style to suit every taste. By following the techniques and tips outlined in this guide, you can create stunning nail art kosong looks at home or at the salon.

So, grab your nail polish and get ready to embrace the world of nail art kosong! For more inspiration and nail art ideas, be sure to check out our other articles.

FAQ tentang Price List Nail Art Kosong

1. Apa itu nail art kosong?

Nail art kosong adalah desain kuku yang dibuat tanpa menggunakan warna cat kuku, hanya menggunakan teknik dasar seperti garis, titik, dan bentuk geometri.

2. Mengapa harga nail art kosong lebih murah?

Nail art kosong membutuhkan lebih sedikit bahan dan waktu untuk dibuat dibandingkan dengan nail art yang menggunakan cat kuku.

3. Apakah nail art kosong terlihat menarik?

Ya, nail art kosong dapat terlihat menarik dan bergaya dengan penampilannya yang minimalis dan elegan.

4. Apakah nail art kosong cocok untuk semua orang?

Nail art kosong cocok untuk semua orang yang menyukai gaya kuku sederhana dan modern.

5. Berapa kisaran harga nail art kosong?

Kisaran harga nail art kosong bervariasi tergantung pada salon dan kerumitan desain, biasanya antara Rp25.000 hingga Rp50.000.

6. Apakah nail art kosong tahan lama?

Nail art kosong dapat bertahan sekitar 1-2 minggu, tergantung pada teknik aplikasi dan perawatan.

7. Bagaimana cara merawat nail art kosong?

Jaga kuku tetap bersih dan kering, serta hindari menggunakan bahan kimia keras atau aseton pada kuku.

8. Apakah nail art kosong bisa dilakukan sendiri?

Ya, nail art kosong dapat dilakukan sendiri dengan latihan dan kesabaran.

9. Apa saja perlengkapan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat nail art kosong?

Perlengkapan yang dibutuhkan antara lain kutek bening, striping tape, kuas kuku tipis, dan dotting tool.

10. Di mana bisa mendapatkan jasa nail art kosong?

Jasa nail art kosong dapat ditemukan di salon-salon kuku yang menyediakan berbagai jenis layanan seni kuku.
